Taiwanese Aborigine Dance "I Am a Shepherd Child" or "Pakaen To Kolong"

I guess drinking Tealive and getting an interest in Southeast Asian culture is something. As the Austronesian tribes move, it's safe to say that most Filipinos are of Malaysian and Indonesian descent. The natives of Taiwan have the same ancestors as Filipinos. The song "Dayang Dayang" is sung in the Sinama language (read here)--a language commonly spoken in Indonesia and Malaysia. The dance is still very similar to Ifugao and Igorot. 

The lyrics I found on YouTube really show a lot of language similar to several Filipino languages:

Pakarongay kako

Tosaay ko safaw no mihecaan

Makecay to fonos ato tafoan

Pakaen sa to kolong a tayra sa i lotok

Kalicen ako i koror nira

Maolahay a mi ngarngar sa to rengos

Paladiw i han ako


Pakarongay kako

Tosaay ko safaw no mihecaan

Makecay to tafoan ato fonos 

Pakaen sa to kolong a tayra sa i lotok

Kalicen ako i koror nira

Maolahay a mi ngarngar sa to rengos

Paladiw i han ako



Pakarongay kako

Tosaay ko safaw no mihecaan

Koyoday to tafoan ato fonos 

Pakaen sa to kolong a tayra sa i lotok

Kalicen ako i koror nira

Maolahay a mi ngarngar sa to rengos

Paladiw i han ako

Satakodtakod sanay

Pakarongay kako

Tosaay ko safaw no mihecaan

Makecay to fonos ato tafoan

Pakaen sa to kolong a tayra sa i lotok

Kalicen ako i koror nira

Maolahay a mi ngarngar sa to rengos

Paladiw i han ako


This song also shows the closer link between Taiwanese Aborigine songs and Filipino Aborigine songs (read here). They've all taken a modern twist in some ways. I can't even be sure what they sounded like before these Aborigines reached the modern world. 

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