I Have Every Reason to be Scared of RISING Motorcycle Accidents in Cebu City This 2024

CDN Digital, for illustrative purposes only

A weekend morning drive can be ruined by rude motorcycle drivers. I encountered two motorcycles and a helmet on the site. I was on my way to IT Park and I found them. A CCTO officer was there, doing some recording. The offenders were probably taken somewhere either for settlement or to the hospital. There was no sight of blood. However, after I hit a motorcycle making a slow turn or tend to be accident-prone, the latest scene still left me speechless. It's not the first time I've been into that but I always felt like, "We'd have fewer accidents if it wasn't for people like them!" 

In 2019, I also remember driving home at 9:30 P.M. after attending an evening party at what used to be the JCentre Mall. I remember seeing a person with a dislocated leg from a motorcycle accident. Sure, it wasn't my fault but my blood froze in a figurative sense. It was because the incident happened after I accidentally hit two people on a motorbike, even while I was driving at a slow speed. If anything, motorcycle drivers tend to be very rude and crude. if I'm not wrong, I even had a scratch on one of my side mirrors given by an arrogant motorcycle driver.

I even remember almost hitting someone at the SRP. Good thing I had the reflex to pull the brake. Otherwise, I could've caused major damage. I feel that SRP really needs strict traffic enforcement. I really hate driving in places with poor traffic enforcement. Idiots may say it makes life worth living. However, is it really life worth living when one gets multiple injuries from one major traffic incident after the other? Is life really worth living when you realize your friends and relatives could be the next victim? 

This is a real call for concern. I can't be certain what city ordinances can do to reduce the numbers significantly. I wonder if limiting the number of sales of motorcycles, arresting people who drive motorcycles without a helmet, raising fines, etc. might be the solution. Right now, I'm afraid as a person who doesn't have a good attention span (and therefore prone to accidents). Even if I don't work as a public service driver, I still have every right to complain about these reckless people. 

At the same time, this might be a good reason why the Philippines might need federalism. Convert all the 18 regions into 18 states, if possible. People tend to fly to Manila or Cebu to get study or get jobs. Why can't people just be allowed to study or get jobs in their respective provincial areas? A huge overpopulation is no joke. With huge overpopulations, people with a knack for being late (and hence it may be the reason why they're overspeeding because of an angry phone call)--these may be contributors to heavy traffic. 

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