I Can't Feel Pride to be a Filipino With All the Tactless Alice Guo Jokes Thrown on JU WENJUN on Facebook

I've observed that Filipino humor can get way too far. I used to fight a lot with two housemaids who had their tactless sense of humor. What do you expect from a nation that adores ill humor on television? Reading the tactless humor made on Facebook on Ju Wenjun (and I doubt this woman can even speak Tagalog) and comparing her to Bamban's suspended mayor Alice Leal Guo (who I believe might be a fugitive on the run from the CCP), gets really tactless comments. 

Do I need to state the fact that a person can't be in two places at the same time? Wenjun is in Norway and it's doubtful she's ever been to the Philippines. Looking at the face of Alice vs. Wenjun--one can tell the difference. It's like a closer look at the face of the alleged "Marijoy Jimenea Chiong" photos--one can tell that's the sister-in-law. Also, a closer look at Debbie Jane Chiong-Sia would show she's not her presumably deceased older sister Jacqueline Jimenea Chiong. 

Watching this video--it's getting more obvious that Wenjun may not even know how to speak Tagalog. Should Wenjun come to the Philippines, I think she needs help to talk in Tagalog. Instead, Wenjun may be speaking in her typical Chinese accent. 

I may identify myself as a Filipino these days, something that I didn't want to accept when I was a child. However, I'm so ashamed of how so many Filipinos have stooped so low. First, some people use Alice to try and defeat the need for constitutional amendments (read here). Second, do they have to stoop so low as to post the comments on Chess.com's Facebook page? They could've posed the joke on their personal spaces. The moment they started writing those tasteless jokes on other people's Facebook pages, they really have shown their tactless sense of humor. 

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