No Surprise: Taiwanese Ami People's DNA Test is Close to Malaysians, Indonesians, and Filipinos

It may no longer be Buwan ng Wika. Too bad I wasn't able to go yet to Museo Sugbo before the event ended. This is a video I found on YouTube with some DNA test results. It's no surprise that the DNA test result of the Ami people is similar to Indonesians, Malaysians, and Filipinos. Yes, I just mentioned Filipinos before some of my countrymen try to brag about their so-called "Filipino uniqueness". 

An Inquirer article years ago talked about the possible links. Here's an excerpt I shared from a previous article that I wrote:

TAIPEI—In communities of the indigenous Amis tribe across Taiwan, locals say lima for five, pito for seven and mata for eye, just like Filipinos. In southern Taiwan’s Alishan mountain, the Tsou tribe calls the community’s meeting hut a kuba, strikingly similar in design to the Philippines’ kubo.

Whether in language, architecture or way of life, links among indigenous peoples of the Philippines and Taiwan are undeniable, with both sides tracing their ancestry to the Austronesian migrations across the Pacific Islands thousands of years ago.

Pretty much, the Hokkien word "huan-a" or "huan na" should no longer be limited to native Filipinos. It should spread to all Southeast Asians of non-Chinese origin. It's no surprise to have similar DNA because of the ethnic appearance, aesthetics, and the like. 

Time to end this post with a dance that's spread in Southeast Asia. Another style of tinikling that wasn't Hispanized compared to the Filipino tiniking. 

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