Mao Zedong's Unhealthy Lifestyle

It's crazy how Mao Zedong is still praised as a hero when he wasn't. I remember being told about his unhealthy habits which this video covers. This is entertaining but at the same time disgusting. 

I think about his love for hong mah (where the Filipino dish humba was based) or red braised pork belly was just one. As a man watching his diet--I certainly want to avoid anything fatty. I usually prefer beef (preferably halal since it's leaner) or chicken. I try to eat more vegetables than usual to lose more weight. Mao was considerably overweight. I guess you are what you eat, right?

Mao's hygiene makes me wonder why he had all his infidelities. He was divorced more than once. His last wife Madame Mao was a very wicked woman. He never brushed his teeth but gargled tea. He never bathed but only wiped himself. It's amazing he still reached 82 in spite of his hygiene habits worse than some of my elders. It's alleged he never brushed his teeth because it was a "filthy Western practice". Hence, Mao lost all his teeth in his later years.

Watching this video, it's amazing to know how I can admire a man's guerilla warfare tactics. I can learn his Art of War but I certainly don't want to learn his habits! 

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