I remembered how often Filipinos of non-Chinese origin are called huan na. Yet, huan na can also mean, "The native of the land where Chinese are immigrants." Filipinos of either Malaysian or Indonesian descent (explaining the brown complexion) are often called huan na. Spanish people are called hua lang or sometimes even referred to also as huan na. Yet, Spanish-Filipinos and native Filipinos (if ever, that's a proper term for those who are of Malaysian or Indonesian descent) are of European origin. Meanwhile, I believe most Filipinos are of Malaysian or Indonesian descent. I was even reminded I accidentally spoke Cebuano to a Malaysian. The Malaysian said, "I don't blame you. Read your textbook and find out most Filipinos are of Malaysian descent." Also, the word Philippines came from King Philip of Spain. That's why Filipinos tend to have Spanish surnames. Meanwhile, Filipinos from Mindanao may have very Indonesian or Malaysian surnames.
I think the most proper way to refer to Filipinos should be 菲律宾人 (Fēilǜbīn rén) regardless of their ethnic group. It's because the word 菲律宾 refers to the country, the Philippines while 人 refers to human. It's like how Chinese can be referred to Taiwanese as 台湾人 (Táiwān rén). Meanwhile, ethnic Chinese are referred to as 华人 (Huárén) if they're not from China or people of Chinese ethnicity in general. Meanwhile, I think the better way to refer to ethnic Filipinos IMHO is 菲人 (Fēi rén) instead of huan na. It becomes a habit, some Filipinos even don't mind being called huan na at all (like some Chinese don't mind being called Intsik), but they should be referred to as 菲律宾人 instead. Also, I think Intsik was once a derogatory term that may no longer be considered as such.
This does remind me of how the Chinese tend to be very exclusive. There's the "we love our own" vibe. I think many times that it happens that Chinese ethnic groups have been forming their own communities. It's said that the late Bruce Lee got into trouble for his actions. Lee not only married an American woman (Linda Emery now Linda Lee Cadwell after her second marriage) but also taught non-Chinese martial arts. It's almost a thing that Chinese are told to marry only Chinese even if the non-Chinese boyfriend or girlfriend is much better. It's almost like it's better to marry the chao lan nang po (filthy Chinese woman in Hokkien) than the ho huan na po (decent non-Chinese woman or decent Filipino woman) for a Chinese man.
I just want to refer to Filipino as simply hui di pin lang. It's because international Mandarin would refer to Filipinos as 菲律宾人. Most Filipinos are either 马来人 (Mǎ lái rén) or 印尼人 (Yìnní rén) which are Malay or Indo respectively. Then we can say that Chinese-Filipinos are better called 菲律宾华人 (Fēilǜbīn huárén) because it refers to Chinese in the Philippines.
The usage of huan na has become a habit. I don't know why some Filipinos have even accepted the use of the word huan na as non-offensive. Yet, I think the word huan na will never be used to refer to Filipinos. Instead, people from China would call Filipinos 菲律宾人 which is more appropriate. It feel awkward to call Chinese-Filipinos 中国人 (Zhōngguó rén) because 中国 means China. 中人 would mean middleman and China literally means middle country.
I wonder if the word huan na should just be declared obsolete. Before, the Chinese and Spanish mestizos usually don't mingle. Later on, they would mingle with each other. I even feel like I'm open to marrying non-Chinese as long as the person is decent. To further bridge the gap, I think the words Intsik and huan na should either be discarded or no longer be considered slur words. Still, I'm not too comfortable using the word huan na even if some Filipinos don't mind being called such.