Childhood Memory Shattered Further: The White Gold Ruins Collapsed Last Saturday

Head Topics

This is pretty much another part of history, not gossip. It turns out that the White Gold Ruins have collapsed. Before that, there was already some demolition going on. It really has become a painful site. For the 1980s to 1990s children, the whole place may have had a lot of nostalgia associated with it. 

I could remember how often I was excited to go there. I could remember the children's department (which I think was the third or fourth floor). It was the simpler days back then. There were also arcade games that were meant to make people spend more money. There was my memory of mascots of various fictional characters like Darth Vader from Star Wars (which scared me), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Santa Claus (and I used to think he was real). I also remembered some of the rides there like the mini-train ride. That was what I associate with the White Gold Ruins the most. 

There was also another urban legend or gossip. Robinson's had the snake-man legend. Some people said siopao was made from cat meat. Now, another urban legend was that the Gaisanos set their building on fire to get insurance. I remembered some Gaisano establishments caught fire but were later repaired. Gaisano South was eventually repaired. Gaisano Ayala was eventually repaired. Still, I guess the damage of the old White Gold was probably that bad. I don't know the whole story when I saw my it destroyed. 

This makes me think about what I did pre-pandemic. A few times, I pass by there with a tear in my eye. I go to Robinson's Galleria then a tear falls down my eye. Some toys I had from there are not with me anymore. It's all gone like how some of my favorite toy stores, Nova Fontana and Gift Gate, eventually closed down. The White Gold Ruins will really hold dear to my heart. Hopefully, something better than it will rise for the next generation of Cebuanos. 

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