Amis Tribe Song "Song of the Ocean"

Another song that gave me an earworm is the Ami Tribe song "Song of the Ocean" (海洋之歌). Not surprisingly, the Amis Tribe has its members near the ocean. This excerpt from Vice gives some information on the Amis Tribe:

The Amis tribe in Taiwan is the largest aboriginal group on the island. They are known for their connection to the sea, and it is for that reason that every April they host an Ocean Festival, where the community gathers at the beach and pay respect to the god of the ocean. In Chinese, the ceremony is called Hai Ji (海祭), which directly translates to the Ocean Festival. In the Amis language, it is romanized to Pafafoi, which means to sacrifice a pig.

The word pafafoi almost sounds like the Filipino word for pig, meaning baboy. The Malaysian word is babi. The words are rather close. The song has a very unusual jingle. I remember enjoying the Ifugao and Mindanao drum beats during a Buwan ng Wika program back in high school. 

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