I could recall Asian history to be a fascinating and frustrating subject. Chinese history would have the names be that easy to memorize though I never knew pinyin at that time. What was often taught in Philippine-Chinese schools was still the zhuyin, not the pinyin. It was common to mispronounce names in Chinese. Yet, memorizing the names like Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai Shek would be easier than memorizing certain Asian names and surnames that can be very hard to pronounce. A good example would be Indian history. Try going to a Buddhist temple and ask if any person there could pronounce the names of their gods or saints in the Indian language. Sure, it would be very easy to pronounce Gayatri and Manjushri but can one pronounce names such as Avalokitesvara, Ksitigharba, and Samantabhadra. If asked for the history of Siddharta Gautama, they might even have a hard time pronouncing the names Mahamaya, Prajapati, and Sudhodhana. I could remember some Indian kings had names like Chandragupta ...
A history blog by a business administration graduate, set to talk about news, current events, historical records, fake news, etc. Just written as a hobby blog since the writer himself is no historian but it doesn't mean he can't be right where some history majors are wrong.