This meme makes me laugh at the pyramid of learning. Okay, I have a high school diploma during K+10. I soon had an associate degree in computer science but failed to be accepted in BS Information Technology. Soon, I had a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in business administration. Sadly, it doesn't matter how many degrees people have if their favorite source can be summed up as, "Trust me bro!" That really dismisses almost everything learned from the high school diploma to master's degree. That's why it's easy to say you can have all the doctorates you want and still be a fool. Sometimes, a stupid person might be wise enough to say, "Where's your source? I can't trust your source if it's just saying trust me bro." However, we've got some highly educated people who give their best source as, "Trust me bro!"
It might sound funny but much disinformation can be caused by three words, "Trust me bro." or "Trust me sis." if it's a woman. Regardless, I've read some comments on Youtube (hence why some Youtube videos no longer allow comments). Some comments can go like somebody died from the COVID-19 vaccine and the person was healthy. You might say, "Where's the source?" Then the person says, "Trust me bro! It did happen! You'll never get the facts from anyone but me!"
In research, Trust Me Bro makes a poor source. Any good researcher will get details and not just Trust Me Bro. I've done my thesis and I was required to get good sources. During my MBA days, one of our teachers said that Wikipedia is a spurious source. Anybody can edit Wikipedia! Why would we want a source where it's just Trust Me Bro? Good research requires empirical data. Yet, some people would rather believe in Trust Me Bro because it's easier to do so than to search the data for yourself, right?
That's why it's easy to say "I'm sure of it!" and "Studies show..." when you're wrong. Studies show? Where are the studies? Please point them out! It's very easy to be, "I'm sure that your book was written by an idiot!" in an act of Ad Homiem. When asked, "Where's your evidence? Did you read it?" Then the answer is, "No need to read it. Just trust me bro." If all the studies and evidences are based on Trust Me Bro" then it's nothing but idiocy.