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Showing posts from November, 2024

Maintaining Ecological Balance: Why We Should NEVER Over-Harvest Giant Sea Snails

As a foodie, I personally love to eat sea snails. However, natural resources aren't infinite. I haven't eaten the giant sea snail of Vietnam either. I've been eating Vietnamese food every now and then. What I realize is the ecological role of crown-of-thorns starfish (to regulate coral overgrowth). However, crown-of-thorns starfish can become a pest in huge numbers . Centipedes and spiders have their role but an infestation is another problem . An infestation of crown-of-thorns starfish is bad for the environment. The giant sea snail ironically eats these crown-of-thorns starfish . People should start to think of the ecological value rather than demand it for the sake of it. It's a truly magnificent work of nature. There's the need to harvest anything conservatively . It's all about respecting the circle of life. 

East Asian Culture and Envy Breeding?

I listened to this video and it's not surprising. I thought of the typical problem, "Nobody is competing with you? Why are you always competing with us?" This would have typical competitions like: Comparing the performance of each other's children. Asking someone when one's child will get married. Telling their child so and so has "matured" by getting married (never mind some of the worst quarrels are between married people) and that the other is still "immature". Never mind that the "immature" person may be raising up valid points! Getting angry when somebody prospers, even if it's just a little bit of prosperity. Then again, the person getting jealous may be living a glamorous life fueled by unpaid debt . As I listened to it, I can relate to it because I've been a victim of such practices and also had done such practices. It's a really toxic trait East Asians need to stop.  Let's fact it that no culture is perfect . ...

Is an Impeachment Just as Effective as a Vote of No Confidence?

Talks about impeachment against Vice President Sara Duterte-Carpio are on. However, I'd like to show the problem with the impeachment trial. Who can remember when former president Joseph Marcelo Ejercito aka Joseph Estrada was under impeachment trial? One can say that when Estrada resigned,  that proved that it doesn't matter if the country is presidential or parliamentary (since some economic powerhouses are still under the  presidential system, like South Korea and Taiwan). However, we need to look at the political aspect of the parliamentary system. Is impeachment just as effective as a vote of no confidence? Let's find out! What is impeachment? Impeachment is defined by the Britannica as follows: Impeachment, in common law, a proceeding instituted by a legislative body to address serious misconduct by a public official . In Great Britain the House of Commons serves as prosecutor and the House of Lords as judge in an impeachment proceeding. In the federal government of ...

I Tried Listening to This and I'm Even More Convinced Woke Stupidity, NOT Capitalism, Ruined San Francisco

Sometimes some YouTubers may be making more sense than the news. Misha Petrov's commentary on San Francisco is backed up by the news. As I listened to her and her male companion, the two really got into gritty details. I'm already grossed out by animal feces, how much more of it's human feces? The descriptions in this video aren't pleasant to think about. Instead, I had to put away whatever I was eating or drinking when I was watching and listening to this video. Not even the pretty girl's face could ease away my disgust while hearing the disgusting truth that needed to be said! Some people would blame, "Capitalism did it! We need socialism!" I wonder if the people who said it know why Vietnam has better peace and order as a socialist state? Instead, we need to look at what's tolerated and what's not. It's because the "Don't do this and don't do that." ultimately affects how most people will behave. This article from the Washi...

Wrong Assumption: Those Who Wish to Reform the 1987 Constitution are Automatically Marcos Loyalists and Diehard Duterte Supporters

Orion Perez Dumdum, founder of the CoRRECT Movement was featured in the page. It's no surprise that there would be detractors every now and then. Some people still believe that the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines is "inviolate". If that were so then why does Article XVII exist that the constitution is open for amendments ? It's no surprise that some idiot alleged that Orion is actually a Marcos supporter. The arguments by the anti-reforms are basically Nom Sequitur and Ad Hominem . The use of personal attacks and illogical conclusions are common argument flaws. In fact, one just needs to understand the poor Filipino logic . I remember all the stupidity going on. It's funny such people accuse me of Ad Hominems while doing Ad Hominems themselves! What I'd like to focus on is the Nom Sequitur. Its definition is: 1 : an inference (see inference sense 1) that does not follow from the premises (see premise entry 1 sense 1) specifically : a fallacy...

Hip Old Man Dances to Aborigine Dance "High Green Mountain"

Here's a video of an old man dancing to the Taiwanese folk song "High Green Mountain". This is one of my favorite versions. The song ends with an aboriginal chant--something that sounds like an Ifugao beat from Nueva Ecija. 

Got Interested in Mexico, Pampanga, after Eating at La Salsa Fil-Mex Cantina

After eating at La Salsa Fil-Mex Cantina (the restaurant is from Zamboanga), I suddenly became interested in Mexico, Pampanga. I find the food delicious and I want to eat more of their dishes. Someone cooks sisig and I would think of chimichanga or burrito. Sisig is a pork dish made from the muscles of the pig's head. I looked into a Mexican menu and found the word barbacoa, which sounds like balbacua . I got into a conversation with a Mexican tourist. The Philippines was a Spanish colony. Spanish influence would be more prevalent in Luzon and Visayas than in Mindanao. Not all of Mindanao was conquered by Spain.  I looked into the history of Mexico, Pampanga, from the official website : That the town of Mexico was said to have been founded in the year 1581. In the book of a certain Fr. Buzeta, conquerors arrived in this town in small boats coming from the south landing in a bushy place now called San Jose Matulid. But according to Augustininan records, the town was probably founded...

Are People Who Say Systems Don't Matter Be Willing to Prove Their Claims for a Million Pesos?

People often argue that it's not the system but the people who run it. Some people have their examples like the late former Philippine president Benigno Simeon "Noynoy" C. Aquino III and former Philippine vice president Atty. Maria Leonor "Leni" S. Gerona-Robredo. They would say that both Noynoy and Leni are "prime examples" why charter change isn't needed, just a change of people in power. Some people even say that the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines is "inviolate". If that's so then what happened to Article XVII that makes it open to amendments? Why wasn't that even used? That means even making a new constitution isn't illegal per se--unless one did what Ferdinand E. Marcos Sr. did during the martial law era! However, if we understand simple psychological science, we need to look at basic psychology. Please, I don't need a doctorate in certain degrees, in the Greenbelt Universities, to understand that there are mist...