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Showing posts from May, 2024

Yes, I Read the Supreme Court Decision on the Chiong Sisters Case AND Watched "Give Up Tomorrow"

Cebu Daily News I'd probably quit arguing with that law student I ran into on Facebook. I won't leak out her profile, put the screenshots of the message, of respect for her, even if I find her incorrigible. According to her, she's already read the Supreme Court decision. She even said, "Why would you believe the documentary made by Paco's cousin?" I fired shots and said that Marty Syjuco was the brother-in-law of Paco's sister, Mimi. I guess as a law student, she's too beholden to the "infallibility" of the Supreme Court of the Philippines. However, she may have ignored the efforts to make Give Up Tomorrow (read my review here ). I wonder if she considered several facts in the trial that the documentary presented. The documentary presented the witnesses for Paco LarraƱaga, a person I assumed was guilty for the longest time. All that changed when I was told that Paco himself, though he was a bully, was actually not involved as to why the Chion...